3D CNC Material Router Wood

3D Carve Elephant Plaque

Actual 3D cutting. Usually, a ball nose bit is used with a fractional step-over per pass to achieve an even surface of cut in the Z axis.
As a rule, this is done with a 3-axis machine. The limitation is that Z is only Vertical.
A 5-axis machine (normally seen as a large arm that articulates in five directions. These are normally referred to as robotic arms. Click here for a you-tube search for robotic arms to see some examples. Normally the Z can come from almost any direction including from the bottom up. i.e. A cut under a wooden rose petal to give it even more of a 3d appearance.

WUD-2017-1210 White Elepant Plaque (2)

WUD-2017-1210 White Elepant Plaque (2)

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